
понеделник, 23 ноември 2015 г.

Васил Дуев

Значение на думата кайрос
В гръцката философия — преживяна криза в рамките на определено време, през което човекът е длъжен да вземе решение и да действа.В Библията — определено от Бога време за изкупление.

don't forget


Music section: MODERAT

неделя, 22 ноември 2015 г.

Book section: the Sinnful love of Zakharij | КНИГИ:Греховната любов на зографа Захарий

Намерено из полиците на бабината библиотека !
...апартаментът на баба ми е най-интересното място на света, има толкова много неща ... сред  видимо непотребните неща например опаковките и листовките от лекарства, които вече не се продават в  обаче имаше съкровища ... тази книга е едно такова съкровище :)


Легенда за колибрито | the legend of the hummingbird

lymecarditis and AV blocks

Before i make my article on the psychiatric manifestation in chronic lyme disease, i want to share my search on carditis associated with LD ...


петък, 6 ноември 2015 г.

Music section: Sia

 a friend of mine (one of the 2 people who suggested me to try out karate shotokan in 2009 and i'm forever greateful for that serendipity)   posted this song on FB and this precipitated the time of this post dedicated for Sia's music, because ...she is really making smth. meaningful .

сряда, 4 ноември 2015 г.

ключодържатели | keyholders

My first keyholder was part of a gift for winning some  place ( it wasn't the first 3 ) at drawing competition and i used it till it broke,  it represented EU flag. if i find a picture i'll add it .

The Eiffel Tower towers over my beauty stuff, where i put my jewellery and make up . It's а gift from Emi, who currently lives  in Paris. She's been through a lot but manage to build herself a live there ... and most important thing- she found love there . I'm truly happy for her!

 The Colosseum is from Robert, another classmate from my school. It was my key keeper for more than 2 years. I don't know where is now, but he is cosmopolitan right from the day he was born. 

and my current keyholder, the exotic tortoise  is from Hristiyana. She too travelled a lot of places... while at uni she went all over Bulgaria(not only) and after that she went for very long distinations & for long periods of time which is no joke and you have to have certain assets ... however, travelling didn't contradicted or altered  her virtues about family which is very important. 

 (If you can't read it ..this is from St. Thomas.)

this is my latest gift, which i haven't used  yet. It's  from Kalina and Kris.

So, the whole idea is the history of stuff ...this makes them important enough to be mentioned, to be photographed, behind them is a human gesture objects they are worthless.  

вторник, 3 ноември 2015 г.

Медали| Medals

This particular collage i made was from my brother's photographs of  our grandfather's medals... he was feldscher at WW2 and now he's  almost 95. Of course war sucks and medals themselves don't mean much ... my gradfather was about to sell them all one time ...He is quite a character  but that's another story ...

My brother is one of the most important people in my life...I kinda made him to start a Deviantart account because i found (most) of his ideas brilliant ...of course when you have a platform, you tend not to stick at one idea or to put it in another words -to get stuck at one place and he naturally  tries out different things. I like  both his crafty -eco -stuff he makes and his photographs :) 

Bulgarian vocabulary 2