"Age of Fear: Psychiatry's Reign of Terror"
i know it is fruitless to write under this kind of "'documentaries"' which aim only shock and thus block any rational thinking ...just like a flame attracts moths. this time i will try to put some food for thought .
It is no secret that throughout history humankind have treated mentally ill people brutally ...notice, there was/is/ stigma in the society, within the community... not among psychiatrists ...many people who need help can turn away from the help they need because of such kind of products of bad journalism.
it is no secret that horrible things had happened to the people in the madhouses- places that gathered not only mentally ill patients. Any human and animal experiments are wrong. Eugenics is wrong...Drugs have side effects ...most drugs, not only psychopharmacological ones....these are all logical points in this.
Not logical point- to ignore postwar economic crisis when it comes to death statistics.
I can't agree with the thesis that the founders of psychiatry haven't made progress for the science ,One cannot just simply dismiss the brain and its disfunctions as cause for psychiatric symptoms. Statements like this only shows that people made this movie don't have a clue about what mental illnesses are . If one accepts the notion that we consits of a body and completely separate spirit that casually hangs around us or sleeps under the diaphragm.... and when somebody is mad , only the spirit suffers , then i think we just travelled back to the medieval times and exorcism which is another dark page in the history of man.
Simply read more about W.Griesinger and other scientists that are mentioned above. We now have data from neuroimaging that clearly shows the correlation between psychiatric symotoms and lesions in the brain.
The personal stories at the end- everything is subjective! When the crisis is gone it's much easier to construct your own truth about what happened, maybe this is a way to protect self-confidence or just distancing themself from what they have gone through. this applies to every story we tell... we speak from our point of view. this is not always THE truth.
Alcohol dependency is not the only diagnosis but since it is presented here - let's think about what causes people to self- medicate with alcohol in the first place . Psychiatric wards are the second phase in their life. Alcohol is to blame for many devorces and lost jobs; "closed ward" is to protect, not to humiliate , humiliation would be to let the people who love to see you in ruin ... to let alcohol destroy your life.
Alcohol is what can make people suicidal or aggressive and this could lead to hospitalization against the will (as it is written in the law).
be critical of what you watch
and in institutions people are shaved because there are often infestations of NITS and flees ! that is not abuse.
The Hidden Enemy: Psychiatry
the war itself is a traumatic experience, loosing a friend is a traumatic experience- don't forget to put some other factors in the equation before demonizing medicine.
neuroimaging is a basis for diagnosing some conditions like dementia.. the CT,MRI, PET scans are becoming more and more helpful in detecting even functional changes in the brain. If you have a cyst or traumatic lesion in your brain, it can be symptomless or it can lead to neurological and psychatric symptoms depending on the location and size.
Everyone who has seen psychosis knows that behaviour alone is enough one to be diagnosed and no relative would argue whether or not a medication should be given to their loved one with psychosis.
reading through the comments i see a lot of emotional reactions, no rational thinking ...there are problems that can be solved by psychiatry...not everyone is using polypragmasy and videos like that may discourage people from going to the doctor and eventually getting the help they need on time .
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