Здравейте, I'm Milena Stoyanova. i have tones of stuff that i find interesting and useful !!!
сряда, 26 декември 2018 г.
събота, 22 декември 2018 г.
събота, 15 декември 2018 г.
петък, 14 декември 2018 г.
сряда, 5 декември 2018 г.
неделя, 2 декември 2018 г.
вторник, 27 ноември 2018 г.
o, goilem wek sich uf, di hechste zajt ess sajnen wider wild geworn jene lajt. un di ale chajeß hobn sich zebrumt in schtajg, (nor der zadik in der thfisseh wart un schwajgt!) un der najer herscher in dem altn prog – er fodert di maschkoneß un pajnikt tog noch tog. un nit nor in dem altn prog alejn – fun ale schtet un lender – trogt sich der gewejn. o, goilem wek sich uf – un mit dajn schwern trot, gej-um un warf di thfisseß, in jedn land un schtot un schlajder want noch want fun palaz wu ss’wojnt doss bejs, un mit dajn hejlik schmejchl doss oreme folk derlejs! 1940 In: Reyzen, Avrom: Di Lider. New York 1951, S. 244. Abraham Reisen: (An den Golem Oh Golem, erwache, es ist höchste Zeit, / Wieder sind jene Leute wild geworden. / Und all die Bestien begannen im Käfig loszubrüllen / (Doch der Zaddik [der Gerechte] im Gefängnis wartet und schweigt!) / Und der neue Herrscher im alten Prag – / Er fordert Pfand auf Pfand und quält Tag für Tag. Und nicht nur bloß im alten Prag – / Aus allen Städten und Ländern schallt Geweine her. / Oh Golem, erwache – und mit deinem schweren Schritt / Geh herum und stürze die Gefängnisse in jedem Land und jeder Stadt / Und stoße eine Wand um nach der anderen – von dem Palast, wo das Böse wohnt, / Und mit deinem heiligen Lächeln erlöse das arme Volk! 1940; Ü.: AE)
понеделник, 26 ноември 2018 г.
четвъртък, 25 октомври 2018 г.
неделя, 21 октомври 2018 г.
събота, 13 октомври 2018 г.
понеделник, 8 октомври 2018 г.
четвъртък, 4 октомври 2018 г.
петък, 28 септември 2018 г.
събота, 15 септември 2018 г.
петък, 14 септември 2018 г.
понеделник, 10 септември 2018 г.
петък, 24 август 2018 г.
четвъртък, 23 август 2018 г.
вторник, 21 август 2018 г.
вторник, 14 август 2018 г.
събота, 11 август 2018 г.
сряда, 8 август 2018 г.
понеделник, 23 юли 2018 г.
петък, 13 юли 2018 г.
:( :( :(
Имам чувството, че всичко е една подигравка просто..всички, от които търся одобрение са отгоре ми,
с такова снизхождение се гледа на моите идеи и визия за нещата, че чак ми се гади ...
сякаш всеки вижда в моята несигурност зов за помощ и необходимост от техните идеи вместо
опит да посъбера малко смелост,за да изразя себе си ...
сватбата ми ще се превърне в поредното тъжно събитие и аз сама позволявам това да се случи .
понеделник, 9 юли 2018 г.
Nothing Really Matters 3 in 1
амбицията ми да преведа цялата уикипедия статия по песента се разсея, тъй като повечето неща се повтарят, дори подробностите по видео клипа се оказаха не толкова съществени и добавянето им по-скоро разваля и обезцветява замисъла ...
може би когато имам време ще се върна да преведа по -детайлно описанието на музиката, бидейки тя по -експериментална за времето си, но всичко останало се е разширено на следните 2 параграфа.
Nothing Really Matters by Madona
събота, 7 юли 2018 г.
четвъртък, 5 юли 2018 г.
неделя, 1 юли 2018 г.
четвъртък, 28 юни 2018 г.
петък, 22 юни 2018 г.
вторник, 12 юни 2018 г.
неделя, 10 юни 2018 г.
Светлин Русев
"Лично от моята смърт не мога да изпитвам страх, защото така или иначе не мога да избягам от нея. Единственият страх изпитвам от хаоса, който мога да оставя и от несвършената работа. Защото има неща, които винаги смяташ, че трябва да се довършат, а не са довършени".
четвъртък, 31 май 2018 г.
сряда, 30 май 2018 г.
сряда, 23 май 2018 г.
събота, 19 май 2018 г.
петък, 11 май 2018 г.
четвъртък, 10 май 2018 г.
сряда, 25 април 2018 г.
събота, 21 април 2018 г.
неделя, 15 април 2018 г.
Втора употреба 1 част | Drift shop (1)
А във втората част и ще споделя и моя опит !
втора употреба магазин,
Drift shop,
Ivana Alexandrova,
Milena's Brainstorm,
slow fashion,
I'm central to nowhere
Thinking of sweeping it clean
When we choose to go were losing more than just our surroundings
Ive gone around the sides of this universe as it stands
Outside the limits of all existence
Where light never ends
We should be grateful to the gods
Whoever theyre real to they are
I value my placement as in Hell
Remember that moment that I fell
Anything that could one day be is as real as what Im saying
If something is nothing it must not be something in any possible way
Lose yourself in the far off worlds that are right under your feet
Switch below with above all the way up into infinity
We should be thankful who we are
Whether we know ourselves or not
Walking alongside myself
Neither of us listens very well
Im dreading a time that is not near
As a man on cross I have no fear I cant believe these words Im saying
You gotta feel your lines
You gotta feel your lines
Thinking of sweeping it clean
When we choose to go were losing more than just our surroundings
Ive gone around the sides of this universe as it stands
Outside the limits of all existence
Where light never ends
We should be grateful to the gods
Whoever theyre real to they are
I value my placement as in Hell
Remember that moment that I fell
Anything that could one day be is as real as what Im saying
If something is nothing it must not be something in any possible way
Lose yourself in the far off worlds that are right under your feet
Switch below with above all the way up into infinity
We should be thankful who we are
Whether we know ourselves or not
Walking alongside myself
Neither of us listens very well
Im dreading a time that is not near
As a man on cross I have no fear I cant believe these words Im saying
You gotta feel your lines
You gotta feel your lines
John Frusciante & Josh Klinghoffer - A Sphere In The Heart Of Silence [Full Album]
at your animies
Operate with full knowledge of
What will become of them
I surrounded a jail is sickening
God fear in man, who were there who were me
And open up your cares world
Let them at your enemies
This is slow communique
This is slow communiqueIt's a show that I hope you know
My opposing say,
Why are we inside?
There are no rules
There are no rules
I will try to start a fire
I will try to start a fire
Just to show how well it burns
It's a breaking of commune
It's a breaking of commune
Just to show another way to go
You can never return
You can never return
It's a barrier for life before you learn
I can never return
I found an island, I found an island for you
This is slow communique
This is slow communique
It's a show that I hope you know
Swimming from the island
I will try you know
You say we're running now
You say we're running now
You go to where you never know
I will try to start a fire
I will try to start a fire
Just to, Just to watch how it burns
сряда, 11 април 2018 г.
John Koukouzelis
От Wikipedia
John Koukouzelis | |
St. John Koukouzelis depicted on a 15th-century musical codex at the Great Lavra Monastery, Mount Athos, Greece.
| |
Born | Durazzo, Eastern Roman Empire |
Residence | Mount Athos |
Other names | Jan Kukuzeli |
Education | Constantinople |
Occupation | singer, composer |
Known for | Reformer of Orthodox Church music |
John Koukouzelis or Jan Kukuzeli (Albanian: (Shën) Jan Kukuzeli; Bulgarian: Йоан Кукузел, Yoan Kukuzel; Greek: Ιωάννης Κουκουζέλης, Ioannis Koukouzelis; c. 1280 – c. 1360) was an Albanian-Bulgarian medieval Orthodox Christian composer, singer and reformer of Orthodox Church music.[1]
Early life[редактиране на кода]
Koukouzelis was born in Durazzo, at the time part of the Angevin Kingdom of Albania[2] in the late 13th century to an Albanianfather[3][4][5] and a Bulgarian mother.[6][7][8] He was orphaned in childhood.[9]
According to some[weasel words] sources he was born in Džerminci, near Debar, which is presently uninhabited.[10] Koukouzelis' last name is allegedly derived from the Greek word for broad beans (κουκιά, koukia) and a Slavic word for cabbage (зеле, zele).[11][12]
Most scholars, including David Marshall Lang, state that his mother was simply of Bulgarian origin,[11][12][13][14][15][16][17] while Robert Elsie generalizes her as being of Macedonian Slav descent.[18] However, according to Raymond Detrez, despite that his mother may have been a Bulgarian,[19] her Slavic origin is obscure.[20]
At a young age, he was noted and accepted into the school at the imperial court at Constantinople.
Reception history of Koukouzelian compositions[редактиране на кода]
In general it is useful to make a distinction between compositions which can be verified as the compositions by John Koukouzelis, and those which are simply based on the method which he taught (as a stylistic category based on the kalophonic melos as exemplified by Mega Ison). Even concerning famous compositions, their authorship is often a subject of scholarly debates whose concern is not always the talent of one individual composer—like the Polyeleoi of the Bulgarian Woman dedicated to his mother that, according to some researchers, contains elements of traditional Bulgarian mourning songs.[7][14] Greek editions of the same Polyeleos are different and especially the authorship of the Kratema used in the Bulgarian edition has been a controversial issue.[24] Concerning stichera kalophonika, there are numerous compositions made up in his name, but his authorship must be regarded as a certain school which had a lot of followers and imitators.
Modern print editions of chant books have only a very few compositions (different melismatic echos varys realisations of Ἄνωθεν οἱ προφήται, several Polyeleos compositions, the cherubikon palatinon, the Mega Ison, the Anoixantaria)[clarification needed] which are almost never sung, except the short Sunday koinonikon, for the very practical reason that most of John Koukouzelis' compositions, at least based on the exegetic transcriptions by Chourmouzios Chartophylakos (GR-An Ms. ΜΠΤ 703),[clarification needed] are simply too long.[25]
Sainthood and legacy[редактиране на кода]
Koukouzelis is regarded as the most influential figure in the music of his period. He was later recognized as a saint by the Eastern Orthodox Church, his feast day being on 1 October.[26] He is known as Saint John Koukouzelis (Greek: Άγιος Ιωάννης Κουκουζέλης, Hagios Ioannis Koukouzelis, Bulgarian: Свети Йоан Кукузел, Sveti Yoan Kukuzel, Albanian: Shën Jan Kukuzeli, Macedonian: Свети Јован Кукузел, Serbian: Свети Јован Кукузељ).
A musical school in his native Durrës bears his name. Kukuzel Cove in Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica is named after Koukouzelis, using the Slavic form of his name.
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